“We can’t acknowledge what we can’t talk about.”
Menopause marks a significant life transition for women. For some of us, it can be a time filled with fear and loss. While for others, it can be a welcome end to menstruation.
If you were lucky as a teenager, someone sat you down and talked about menses. But, who had the 'menopause talk' with you? Who told you about what it would do to your relationships with family, your career and most importantly, with your self-confidence.
Unfortunately, menopause is also a not a well-understood concept for many medical practitioners, and it takes the blame for many of our life stress. This workshop is over 12 weeks and is designed to give us a safe place to really look at what menopause has given and taken from us.
Come prepared to talk about ...
The value of mindfulness
What change and grief are
The inadvertently passed on bits of “misinformation” we learned about menopause
The myths of loss and grief
The losses we have experienced in our lifetime
The losses most impacted by menopause
​And write about what has been left unsaid
Menopause in the workplace
The power of vulnerability
Cultivating self-care, gratitude, and creativity
Letting go of the need for certainty and what people think of us.
The agreements we commit to our future selves
This program is an online workshop format and is spaced over 12 weeks at approximately 90 minutes per week. Each week you will receive small video access or reading material that will be used in our online workshop.
This will be challenging work for some of us. So, please come with an open mind and an open heart.
Lisa Bruff
Lisa has 20+ years in the Insurance and Financial Services Industry, with experience in client relationship management, operations, and data analytics.
She is also a CIP Instructor, a Mindfulness Practitioner, and an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist.
She has a passion for this topic, as there was a time in her life when menopause clouded everything going on around her. Lisa has experienced firsthand the effects of menopause. If there was a physical or emotional symptom to menopause she was certain she had it, and at the height of it, her husband died suddenly and just to make it worse her company decided to go through a year-long restructuring. For a long time, she didn't know where menopause stopped and her grief and stress began. Now she is here to help other women explore life - as menopause lurks in the background.