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Sitting in a cafe

The Language of Loss Workshop

“We can’t acknowledge what we can’t talk about.”

Imagine a world where you have the language to express your natural emotional response to loss and change. A language that is understood by family and peers, leading to a culture that makes it safe for you to speak it.

In this 90-minute presentation come prepared to review ...


  • What grief is and what it is not.

  • Types of grief

  • Unresolved Grief

  • Myths of Grief

  • Our basic human needs for identity, purpose, meaning and territorial belonging.

  • The concepts of undelivered communication

  • The steps to effective conversation

  • The value of our own personal work










Lisa Bruff 

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Lisa has 20+ years in the Insurance and Financial Services Industry, with experience in client relationship management, operations, and data analytics.


  She is also a CIP Instructor, a Mindfulness Practitioner, Grief Recovery Method Specialists® and Everything DiSC®  Authorized Partner


Bill AuCoin

  • LinkedIn

Bill has 20+ years in the Emergency Medical Services Industry with experience in education and clinical oversight, operations, human resource management and corporate/legislative policy development.


He is an Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialists® and Everything DiSC®  Authorized Partner



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